A good number of new business owners are oblivious of the impact a shop’s layout has on sales.
However, studies have shown that the placement of products, counters and customer service desks can affect your business massively. It is possible to lose a sale if a customer feels choked while in your shop for example. Here are some tips to help you achieve a shop layout that sells.
Choose the right shop layout for your business
If you deploy a grid layout, customers will walk down rows of aisles. A loop layout on the other hand allows a central grouping of displays and a pathway around it. The pathway can be square or circular. A free flowing layout will give you the opportunity to take advantage of impulse buyers as it allows shoppers the most freedom.
Place merchandise in the right zones
When customers enter a shop, they often turn to the right. It is therefore best to position your catchiest merchandise with this in mind. Similarly once inside the shop, merchandise located 15 feet off the entrance rarely gets noticed. It may therefore, be best to have your customer service desk located around this area.
Reduce counters
Image by La Citta Vita @ Flickr.
Counters often serve as a demarcation between the shop owner and the customers. Even when they are not overly restrictive, they create a mental barrier in customers. This is detrimental to the business. Creating an “us against them mentality” doesn’t speak well for any modern business. Instead of having all staff hanging around on different counters, ask them to wander around the sales floor posing as shoppers. This will evoke a sense of a busy shop in customers and put them at ease. The only counter you should have is one that is vital for completing transactions. Glass counters that display merchandise can be replaced. Use Slat Wall Hooks to display such merchandise on walls around the shop.
Create a captivating entrance
Your shop layout is incomplete if the entrance cannot woo new customers. It is therefore important to strategically design the front using signage where possible to entice shoppers to come in and get a closer look at your merchandise. Place some products by the shop’s windows as well for the view of passers-by.
Avoid uncomfortable merchandise placement
Regardless of amount of interest, a customer will most likely ignore merchandise if they have to come too close to the backside of another customer for example. This is known as the butt-brush effect. Avoid this by ensuring that floor space allows adequate personal space for all customers.
Ensure good visibility
Keep shelves low enough to ensure decent visibility. Make sure that even your store displays do not provide cover for shoplifters inadvertently. This way, you can reduce inventory losses.
Main image adapted from a photo by TeresaPeek @ Flickr.