Travelling with business can be something of a burden, battling jet-lag, long hours and unfamiliar locations even before additional costs are taken into account. If your expenses are not covered by the business account, then costs of travelling on behalf of your employer can be incredibly expensive. Here are 10 simple but effective ways to save money whilst travelling on business.
1. Hertz Gold Plus Rewards
After a long flight, the last thing that you want is a long wait for a rental car and unexpected costs. The Hertz Gold Plus Rewards scheme gives you the opportunity to skip the queue at all participating Hertz locations, meaning you will soon be darting away from the airport and towards your final destination. Additionally, members can accrue points that can be redeemed with free rentals on a choice of fantastic vehicles.
2. Hilton Hhonors
If you are a regular business traveller, it may be prudent to join the Hilton Hhonors scheme, making it cheaper to stay in luxurious accommodation throughout the world. With more than 530 Hilton branded hotels in 78 different countries, it is likely that your destination will play host to a venue partaking in the Hhonors scheme. Earn points with each stay in participating hotels that can be spent on free stays for you or a partner. Additionally, scheme members are treated to express check-out and upgrades.
3. PartnerPlusBenefit
The PartnerPlusBenefit scheme from Lufthansa rewards frequent business flyers with 10 different exclusive awards. Cashback incentives are offered as soon as a business flyer opts into the scheme as well as offering discounted hotel gift cards, chauffeured car transfers and airport parking. Available on 10 of the world’s most prominent and best loved airlines, the PartnerPlusBenefit schemes can benefit travellers on a wide range of different routes.
4. Starbucks Rewards
Especially beneficial for those business travellers who are expected to step off a plane, transfer to a conference centre and deliver a pitch perfect presentation for the baying crowd is Starbucks Rewards Card. A quick pick-me-up during business trips is essential for business travellers and the Starbucks card rewards loyalty with free coffees and money off purchases. With branches in 64 different countries, there is a good chance that you won’t be far from a free hot coffee.
5. Waterstones Card
Keep yourself entertained during long trips with that wide range of fiction and non-fiction offered by Waterstones for cheaper with the Waterstones Card. Earn 3 points for every £1 that you buy, which can be used in exchange for free books. These can also be used to procure business books used for a last minute cram.
6. Red Spotted Hanky
The comprehensive travel price-comparison website; Red Spotted Hanky allows you to find the greatest deals on train fares, plane fares, hotel stays and more, ensuring that you find the cheapest way to travel, whether it is for personal or business use. Red Spotted Hanky also operates a Loyalty Club that customers are automatically entered into that can be redeemed for discounted travel.
7. Halifax Clarity Card
The Halifax Clarity Card is advantageous for regular travellers overseas. Unlike many credit cards from major providers, the clarity card does not charge for use overseas. As long as you repay the balance on time, you will not face any undue interest costs when using the card on your travels.
8. Stay Fresh
If you are tasked with finding your own travel and accommodation, it is wise to ensure that you regularly delete cookies and refresh the cache on the computer that you are using. Many sites will raise the price of their products/services for re-visitors. This is done as the sites will be more confident that re-visitors will be buying rather than browsing. Deleting cookies and cache refreshes ensure that the sites treat you as a new customer.
9. SeatGuru
Want the best seat on a plane? Then visit SeatGuru, the comprehensive guide to the best seats on board the world’s most popular passenger planes. This will ensure that you will be able to get a window seat if you want the view or an aisle seat if you want the additional legroom. Board the plane and suffer no surprises. And save money that you might have spent on additional legroom in a last-minute panic.
10. Stocard
The free Stocard app, available on both Android and iOS is the easiest and most convenient way to keep all of your discount cards, loyalty cards and rewards schemes in one simple-to-find place. Simply download the app and simply upload all of your eCards, perfect for the more forgetful of business travellers.