In this article, we’ll discuss 7 ways you can save money on legal proceedings and cut down time with a solicitor.
There are many reasons why you’d need legal expertise in your lifetime. Edinburgh solicitors can help advise on family law matters, corporate law, employment law and many other areas that could affect anyone.
However, time is money spent with a solicitor and many worry that processes like getting a divorce will cost a fortune. Whilst a person may feel they have little control on how much legal fees with add up to, they can play a huge role in time spent with a solicitor.
Dealing with any legal matter is seldom cheap. Many solicitors charge by the hour which can range from £186 per hour up to £500+. So, as the client, you do have some control on how much time you spend with the solicitor. Here’s 7 ways to save on money with a solicitor…
How do Solicitors Calculate Costs?
Costs are an important part to any legal proceeding. You can ask your solicitor in your first meeting how much everything is likely to cost in total for their services. The majority of solicitors will give you their best estimate and will explain how the costs are worked out and what exactly you’re charged for.
Your solicitor will confirm the fees in writing, but for reference, a reasonable fee will take account of the following:
- The amount of work and time involved, depending on how complicated or difficult the matter is
- The level of specialised knowledge needed
- The length of documents involved in the matter that need to be read and prepared
- The urgency of the case
- The value of any assets involved
- Where the work is done.
How to Save Money with a Solicitor
Whilst time with a solicitor can vary depending on the details of your case, there are several means in which you can streamline your communication and thus save time spent with a solicitor. Here’s 7 ways to cut down time:
1. Put everything in writing
Before you begin your legal proceedings, it’s a good idea to put everything you’re concerned about in writing. That way, you’re prepared to receive the advice you need without beating around the bush.
2. Be clear in your communications
Make it clear in your meetings or emails what you need help with. Try to be very direct and specific with your issues.
3. Don’t discuss non-relevant issues
It can be easy to go of course with information you might feel is relevant but try to keep on track with the issues you have written down. That way, a solicitor can spend less time going through notes from your conversation and pinpoint the problems more effectively and know what to advise on.
4. Try to stay open minded
During the legal processes, you might be offered a settlement figure. Try to keep an open mind with what you’re offered and listen to the expert advice from the solicitor. Remember, they’ll base their judgement of the offer in your best interests.
5. Don’t delay processes
Try not to keep your solicitor waiting on information. A delay in any legal procedure often means an increase in costs. You don’t want solicitors having to chase you for information as time spent chasing communications with you is considered where fees are concerned.
6. Discuss more than one thing
During your phone calls and communications with the solicitor you can discuss more than issue. In fact, this is encouraged so that it saves time dealing with one issue at a time. Make the most of the time with the solicitor and put all issues into one conversation.
7. Try not to vent too much
Try not to ramble on about problems that don’t relate to your case. As much as solicitors can emotionally support you, that’s not what they’re paid to do. In cases that involve high emotions such as divorce, it can be easy to steer the conversation into unnecessary areas.
Try talking to family or friends before speaking your solicitor so that you get everything off your chest and the conversation can be streamlined.
Saving money with on a solicitor…
Time with a solicitor is never going to be cheap, but they’re very much needed and realistically you could end up losing a lot more money without one than with one, so you know they’re worth their time.
Try to follow these tips whilst your matter is being seen to to minimise potentially wasted time with a solicitor and keep legal fees to a minimum.