The modern business world is an unforgiving territory and you have to do everything in your power to get ahead in this game.
High unemployment rates combined with increased graduate numbers make the battle for decent jobs exceptionally fierce. Are you doing everything in your power to stand out?
Education is important but there’s more to business than a piece of paper saying you’ve studied a subject. These five skills should help you stand out from the crowd and give you a much better chance of securing that dream job rather than settling for one you don’t love.
Marketing is the key to 21st century business. Advancing technology has allowed companies to stretch their services worldwide at the click of a few buttons and the key to winning new customers is strong advertising. If you can prove that you’ll fit in with this ethos then you’ll have a much better chance of succeeding in business.
However, marketability isn’t just about products and services. If you’ve got the confidence to sell yourself as a commodity with real conviction then those people skills could swing any interview in your favour. Ultimately, if an employer thinks they can enjoy a healthy relationship with you then the chances of securing the role are much greater.
Being able to drive opens up a whole new realm of opportunities and that’s certainly true in the world of business. Not only does a car make commuting easier, it also increases the number of jobs you can actually apply for.
If you don’t already have a license then it should be top of your priorities. Start using online resources for more information on the best way to go about it.
First Aid Training
Safety is important in any business and every employer would react well to seeing a first aid training course on your CV. Who knows, hiring you could save someone’s life.
In most cases, this isn’t going to be the difference between getting the job and not. However, it will help your CV stand out from the crowd and also highlights your good nature and willingness to learn.
Evidence Of Teamwork
Every employee will have to complete tasks on their own but the ability to integrate into a team is arguably an even more important character trait.
Evidence your capabilities of collaborating with others and you’ll be bound to tick a few boxes on the list of traits your potential employer is looking for. Likewise, good communication and organisation are bound to go down a treat.
Advanced Computer Skills
The world of business has changed for ever and computer technology plays an ever increasingly important part of the way it is conducted. Staying ahead of this market will inevitably serve you well throughout your career.
Most people have a basic grasp of using the internet, Microsoft Office and other basic computing concepts. However, taking courses in other areas such as cloud computing or learning to use emerging software to an advance level will give you the upper hand over your competitors.
This is the 21st century, make sure you aren’t left behind.
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