
4 Forgotten Ways To Promote Your Small Business

Advertising leaflets

It’s not that you’re anti-social. In fact, leveraging social media is a great way to ensure that you target your audience with laser focus. This can be much more effective than the traditional “spray and pray” approach to marketing ensuring that your message is heard by those who need to hear it the most.

Still, as small businesses scramble to engage with their audiences and make their value proposition known, to think only in terms of social media ads and online engagement is to tie one hand behind your back when doing battle with legions of competitors.

It may be a good idea to invest in some low tech strategies to grow your brand, engage new customers and add to your brand’s appeal while growing your audience.

Invest in some really good signage

If your business has a physical presence like a store, restaurant or cafe, you can’t underestimate the importance of your signage. It plays a huge part in helping your brand to make a that all-important first impression. According to a 2015 study by Fed Ex, nearly 76% of consumers said that they had entered a business premises they had never been to previously on the strength of its signage alone.

Find a company that delivers high quality, illuminated shop fascia signs. If you choose to pinch pennies on your signage, you may lose customers to competitors who are more willing to invest.

Don’t dismiss the power of an effective flyer campaign

You may assume that in the digital age flyer campaigns are no longer effective… but you’d be wrong. There’s ample evidence to suggest that flyers still work. Especially when they’re combined with branded freebies, discount coupons and other tangible giveaways in which the recipient can perceive value.

Many consumers, especially older consumers, are loath to trust brands they encounter online. But put something physical in their hand and they’re more likely to see the value in it. Create your own free flyer and captivate your audience with tangible value that transcends the digital noise.

Involve yourself in the community

Even if you’re the kind of small business that has large scale growth in mind, it pays to adopt a small business mindset, especially when it comes to making an impression on the local community where your prospective customers live, eat, drink and shop.

Try involving yourself in the community by sponsoring events, establishing a presence on boards and committees and building value in your personal voice as well as that of your business.

Look for speaking opportunities

Blogging, vlogging and other forms of content marketing are all great ways to make your voice heard, build value in your brand and establish a path to success in marketing. Nonetheless, these aren’t the only ways in which you can establish your knowledge and authority while building trust and using your experience and insight to help people solve a specific problem.

Keep a close eye on the calendar of business events taking place in your area. Look for opportunities to speak and share your insights with the business community and consumers alike.

Even in an age where your target audience is living more and more of their lives online, there’s great value in adopting a low-tech approach to promoting your business and building your brand.

About author

Poppy loves personal finance almost as much as she loves her two cats, Tif and Taz.
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