In the UK there are 13.9 million disabled individuals with over 3.4 million disabled people currently in employment.
Unfortunately, even though there are millions of people that may need extra support in the work place, those with a disability are more than twice as likely to be unemployed as non-disabled individuals, despite non-discrimination laws in place.
Employment of Disabled Individuals
Employment for those with a disability is important not only so that they have the opportunity to make a living and support themselves, but also for economic reasons – a rise in 10% would contribute an additional £12 billion to the Exchequer by 2030.
As an employer, it is essential that you make sure that your workplace is capable of bringing on board someone with a disability.
There are many different ways that this can be done and, of course, there will be different limitations with different disabilities. One of the most important things that a business can do is to make their premises wheelchair accessible.
This is important not only for employees who require the use of a wheelchair, but also anybody that visits the site whether they are a client/customer, partner, investor, affiliate or anyone else. This will mean having ramp access, lifts and smooth surfaces throughout.
In addition to this, more businesses should be purchasing wheelchair accessible vehicles from places like Allied Fleet. This will allow an employee that requires use of a wheelchair to easily, comfortably and safely travel whether this is to a client meeting, business trip or any other kind of journey.
There are vehicles available that have been modified to allow for wheelchair users to comfortably and safely travel onboard and these can be a great investment (particularly if you regularly transport multiple passengers).
This is possible through the use of ramps or lifts, wheelchair restraints and other accessibility features. These vehicles are used heavily in a number of different sectors, such as community transport, care homes, police and prison, schools and public authority.
Although particularly useful in these sectors, wheelchair accessible vehicles should be used in a variety of sectors so that travel can be made simple for wheelchair users.
With so many people with disabilities in the UK, and so many seeking employment, it is essential that businesses are doing all that they can to recruit and ensure that their workplace is suitable.
There are many ways that this can be done, but making the premises easily wheelchair accessible is a necessity and having suitable transport is also key.
This is particularly true if you are operating a business which relies heavily on transportation, but also true of any industry. It is true that more disabled people are employed than previously, but there is still a lot of work to be done and business owners need to take note of this.