
Great Marketing Books For Beginners

Man holding and reading a book

The American comedian Groucho Marx said, “Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend.” I couldn’t agree more.

Readership stimulates the mind and makes it possible for newbies to interact with experts’ thoughts on a subject matter. If you’re starting in marketing, this will be the read-list if you want to break into the industry with a bang. 

In these books, you’ll encounter some of the most profitable business ideas that you can try out and endless tips on how you can refine your business idea.

Why Start With A Good Marketing Book?

Quite simple: methods of marketing have changed over the years thanks to advancements in technology. However, the principles on which the concept of marketing is founded remain essentially unchanged. 

As a beginner, you need to update your knowledge base by grasping the fundamental principles of marketing. After that, you can make the most of cutting-edge tools and toast to a successful career in marketing.

Next, marketing is both an art and a science that needs to be understood and practiced if you’re to attain perfection. To be acquainted with the framework of marketing, you’ll need to read the most appropriate resources…just what we’ve curated for you here. 

Best Titles For Marketing Beginners

  1. The 1-Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib
  2. Kotler on Marketing: How To Create, Win, and Dominate Markets by Philip Kotler
  3. Positioning: The Battle For Your Mind by Al Ries and Jack Trout
  4. Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers Into Friends And Friends Into Customers by Seth Godin
  5. Digital Marketers Sound Off: Tips, Tactics, Tools, And Predictions From 101 Digital Marketing Specialists Mat Chiera
  6. The Psychology Influence Of Persuasion by Robert B Cialdini
  7. This Is Marketing by Seth Godin 
  8. The 22 Laws of Marketing by Al Ries and Jack Trout 
  9. Selling The Invisible: A Field Guide To Modern Marketing by Harry Beckwith
  10. Trout On Strategy: Capturing Mindshare Conquering Markets by Jack Trout
  11. The 4-Hour Week: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, And Join The New Rich by Tim Ferriss
  12. Triggers by Joe Sugarman
  13. Made To Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive & Others Die by Chip Heath & Dan Heath
  14. Killing Marketing: How Innovative Businesses Are Turning Marketing Cost Into Profit by Joe Pulizzi & Robert Rose
  15. Top Of Mind: Use Content To Unleash Your Influence and Engage Those Who Matter To You by John Hall

Best Authors In The Marketing Field

  • Seth Godin
  • Jack Trout
  • Al Rise
  • Joe Pulizzi
  • John Hall
  • Philip Kotler

Other Tips For Recent Marketing Apprentices

Job prospecting can be a stressful endeavor for many recent marketing apprentices. If you can follow these proven tips, you’ll make it easier.

1. Network aggressively

Leverage your networks in the family, college, and workplace to successfully get through the doors of potential employers. Put your name out there unapologetically within your networks and on social media. Share some of your work, and experiences. 

Prove your worth by first marketing yourself and someone in the corporate community will take note of you. Cold resumes alone may not stimulate sufficient interest in your candidacy for opportunities. Networking can be a shortcut to some of the most profitable business firms. 

2. Exceed expectations

Whenever you land an internship opportunity, always endeavor to exceed the expectations of your bosses. Be proactive and offer suggestions on improvements that can birth better processes and marketing campaigns. Assertiveness and taking the initiative are key ingredients of leadership.

3. Invest at expanding your knowledge base

Don’t be comfortable and complacent with what you know. Grow your knowledge by devouring quality marketing resources such as the books we’ve listed. Make the most of online resources, eLearning, YouTube, and webinars to inform the latest trends and best practices.

4. Get certified

When you’re certified as a marketer from recognised brands such as Google or HubSpot, you stand out from others in the job market. Take some free or paid courses to boost your resume and gain entry into some of the most profitable business niches. 


Keep reading to keep up with the constant changes in the field of marketing. If you put in a little more effort than your peers by acquiring the knowledge, you’ll find ideas that pave the path to opportunities that would have been inconceivable.  

About author

Poppy loves personal finance almost as much as she loves her two cats, Tif and Taz.
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