Looking for an alternative to Monzo? We have you covered.

The main alternatives and competitors to Monzo are Starling Bank, N26 and Revolut.

Which one is best depends on what you are looking for in a banking service.

Best General Monzo Alternative

If you are looking for a good general everyday banking service to replace your existing bank with then Starling Bank or N26 are worth checking out.

Best Monzo Alternative for Currency Exchanges or Travel Abroad

If you make a lot of currency exchanges or travel & spending or abroad then Revolut is great, as is Starling or N26.

Starling offers many of the same features as Monzo whilst also offering interest on savings which is a great feature.

Best Monzo Alternative for Budgeting

If you are looking for an account with good budgeting features similar to Monzo then Starling is a good alternative.

You can check out our guide to app-based banking services here for a full list.

We have compared all the different alternative banking services to Monzo below.

Best Monzo Business Bank Account Alternatives

If you are looking for a business banking alternative to Monzo then Tide and Starling are good services.

Monzo Alternatives

ServiceGood ForSavings InterestFCFS ProtectedMore
StarlingBudgeting, Saving0.25% – 0.5%More
MonzoBudgeting, SafetyNoneMore
Revolut🌏 💱NoneNoMore
Atom BankSaving, Mortgages0.8% – 1.8%More
TandemSaving1.6% – 2%More
PlumInvesting, FacebookNoneNoMore
ChipSaving0% – 5%NoMore

Alternatives to: MonzoMonese