We all like to think our homes are safe and secure.
For the most part, they are. Home are built to last for decades; some will last for centuries! But, it only takes one visit from Mother Nature to put that all into question.
Freak storms, flooding, and intense heat all play their part in weakening our homes. Just one bad storm can cause thousands of pounds worth of damage. That’s why it pays to invest in cost-effective home improvements early on. It makes good financial sense.
Do as much as you can to strengthen your home, just in case the worst happens. Not only is it cost effective, but it will help you avoid a lengthy insurance claim.
It’s particularly important for older houses that are growing weaker. Having said that, don’t assume your new-build is exempt from Mother Nature’s wrath!
New homes are often built quickly, with cost-effective materials. They won’t always hold up. Here’s what you can do to boost your defences.
Strengthen your exterior doors
This is something that is commonplace in areas with high hurricane and earthquake risk. Many homes in America, especially the ‘windy states’, have strengthened front and rear doors.
It helps reduce the impact of intense winds and ground movements. Remember, the doors are your weak point in the home, where there is no strong brickwork to hold it together. Fortify your front door with stronger material, just to be safe.
Strengthen the foundations
A lot of cheaply built new homes are constructed on simple foundations. In many cases, it’s nothing more than a layer of concrete and a few wooden beams.
For the most part, this is perfectly adequate. But, with rising sea levels, increased winds, and regular inclement weather, it’s worth thinking about.
It is possible to strengthen your foundations. Experts will drill into the foundations and install extra bracing material. They’ll also reinforce the masonry in place.
Flood protection
Flood warnings are cropping up more than ever before in the UK. Rising tides are affecting low-lying areas in particular. Homes in the UK aren’t built with flooding or extreme natural events in mind, so it’s up to us to do something.
First of all, invest in flood barriers. They’re a quick and easy solution to help block the flood water from your home. Secondly, try to remove any concrete or patio areas that meet the house.
Replace it with absorbent turf and soil instead. Don’t give water the chance to get in the home, or you face a huge repair bill.
Double glazing
Millions of homes across Britain still haven’t installed double glazing. It is quickly becoming an essential part of the home. It helps shield us from winds and rain, but it also does a lot more than that.
Double glazing helps regulate the temperature within the house. It’s a vital part of your insulation. When the cold months set in, and Mother Nature breathes her cold air, you need your windows to work hard. Installing double, or even triple, glazing is now cheaper and easier than ever.
We all like to think it will never happen to us. We think it’s best to be safe rather than sorry!
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