
Great Ways To Secure Your Business This Year

Great Ways To Secure Your Business This Year

If you have a small business which you are looking to grow and develop this year, one of the things which you will always want to do is make sure that you secure the business from the inside out.

Today we are going to have a chat about how you can secure your business this year in simple ways to keep you safe against cyber crime and physical crime too.

Invest in antivirus

Antivirus software can be a super helpful way to make sure that your device is safe against anyone who may try to hack you and steal your data. Network Penetration Testing can be used to testing how secure your machine is and make sure that it is working to the best of its ability. It will ensure that any data you do have on your machine is secured and able to keep hackers away.

Protect shared documents

Many companies as well as having a drive for each individual will also have a shared drive which is open to everyone in the business and this can store documents from all over the business. It will mean that everyone can access all of the company files which of course can be a little dangerous if you have client lists and so forth. This is why it can be helpful to password protect certain folders and documents and this will allow you to only allow authorised people to access sensitive data.

Use great passwords

Before you do anything else. Stop using 123, abc or your birthday as a password for your machine! Anything which has less than 8 characters is a weak password and it can be easily hacked into by someone who can access your social media accounts to see your information. Make sure that you take the time to use password generators online and this can be a huge help for your security. Also, don’t use the same password for every single thing because this is never a good idea.

Plant thorny bushes

If you want to also make sure that your office is safe and secure as well as the business itself, you need to think about making some changes to the office itself. You can always think about planting thorny bushes underneath the windows of the office this will deter robbers from being able to climb into the windows and break in.

Install cameras inside and out

It is so important in your office to not only have cameras on the perimeter of the office to stop robbers from being able to get away, but also inside too. No matter who you employ and how much you trust them there will always be some doubt, and to protect yourself you can have cameras set up which ensure that your workers behave and that if something is stolen you can see who did it. As well as this you can make sure that your workers aren’t being too lazy during the day and that they are indeed working efficiently.

About author

Poppy loves personal finance almost as much as she loves her two cats, Tif and Taz.
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