In this ever more competitive world it is becoming increasingly difficult to stand out.
One way to have a fantastic experience, learn and have something extra special to put on your CV is to go and study abroad. However like everything in life there is a cost aspect to it, one which we will look at in greater detail below.
Once you have chosen your country, it is time to look for a school. Schools and universities around the globe offer access to students from other countries. As you are not a tax paying resident there may be costs and tuition fees to pay. Many services allow you to transfer money abroad to pay for rent and living expenses. It is worth noting that some schools will offer grants to overseas students, however they are usually one per term so the chances are quite slim.
Finding accommodation should be your next big task. I would heavily recommend finding somewhere on a temporary basis first off. A month for example would be a good time frame to see if where you are living is what you want. Is it close to the school and local amenities? Is it a good and safe area? Is it expensive compared to other areas? This will give you ample time to see if it fits the bill and extend your lease or alternatively find alternative accommodation elsewhere.
You will need to set up some form of banking once you are settled on a place to stay. Cash is ok for now, but the novelty soon wears off and for security you should get a debit card asap. Many of the banks we know in the UK are also based in Europe and around the world. This should make the whole process much smoother.
Remember to set a budget, it will be hard at first to adapt to using a different currency and you may overspend. Whilst I am sure that Mum and Dad will be more than happy to bail you out on this occasion, you will want to stand on your own two feet.
Get used to your routes and if you are in a non-English speaking country the way to ask directions. Simple stuff like where the college is located down to where to get your laundry done is top of the bill. Initially you will mostly utilise public transport but as time moves on you may get your own personal vehicle.
A monthly pass for the tram, metro or bus is a great way to save money as long as you are using it frequently enough. Taxi’s are super expensive so avoid them where possible.
Be friendly, get involved and you will get much more out of your time abroad. Ask your new found friends the best places to eat. Where they get their washing done and cheap places to get internet access. These simple local bits of knowledge will help you immensely and save you a fortune in the long run.